Everywhere you go… WWTDM is always with you!


WWTDM Ltd, - Wholesale Tour Operator based in London with subsidiary in Prague (Woremgo) www.woremgo.tours, specializing in Central & Eastern European city destinations, the company’s portfolio grew simultaneously with business demands since 2008.

As a wholesale tour operator, we offer great deals at highly competitive rates to all  our clients – other domestic and international tour operators & travel agencies.

 Over the years, WWTDM ltd. has become one of the fastest growing wholesalers, providing travel services for groups and individuals visiting Europe. Our products are based on providing accommodation for GROUP & SERIES DEPARTURES as well as a full portfolio of directly contracted ground services. We currently operate approximately 1000-1200 tours within Western, Eastern Europe, US, Indonesia Thailand per year.

Taking a load off of your operations and administration. Any accommodation, transfer, dining and all other ground services are carefully selected and proposed at NET non-commissionable rates on B2B basis.